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August 16, 2011

These minutes are subject to the approval of the Economic Development Commission

PRESENT:  Margaret Oliger; Joe Humeston; Walter Motyka; Thomas Murtha and Joe Tarshis

ABSENT:  Gino Scarangella; Donald Sharpe; Jean Leonard and Stephen Zvon

ALSO PRESENT:  Elizabeth Stocker, Director of Economic and Community Development and Robert Rau, Consultant

Ms. Oliger called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.


Minutes of July 19, 2011.  Mr. Humeston made a motion to accept the minutes of July 19, 2011 as submitted.  Mr. Motyka seconded the action.  The motion carried unanimously


Director of Economic & Community Development


Two ½ page ads with editorial will run in the Fall Previews for the New York and New England Real Estate Journals.  She will write the articles mainly highlighting the Tech Park and Fairfield Hills opportunities.
Tech Park:  Ms. Stocker received a letter from Bill Carboni stating that DEEP indicated that this should be signed off by the Army Corp. of Engineers within the next two weeks.  In response to Commissioner Oliger’s question concerning the 34 acre open space parcel, Ms. Stocker reported that she sent an e-mail last week to the DOA and was informed that the Commissioner was on vacation.  Nothing can be done till he signs off.  She might have to get the First Selectman to write again if they do not hear a response by the end of September.

An International student from WCSU, Nicolas Cortes, has been engaged for the last few weeks working on various tasks including:
An analysis of what the magnitude of a 1% increase in the tax base
A one page handout that promotes the activities of the EDC (distributed)
A full listing of the available properties in the town with brief descriptions and zoning designations
Research to update the Fact Sheet (available on line)

Ms. Stocker is working on a presentation for the next Legislative Council meeting to review opportunities for growth and the current inventory of available properties
Ms. Stocker reviewed the current zoning maps for commercial and industrial properties.  The map was used to demonstrate where the commercial/industrial growth areas of Newtown are located.  

        Report and Budget Update   

Ms. Stocker distributed a revised document reflecting the changes discussed at the last meeting.  An update of the current spending will be forwarded to Ms. Oliger as a follow up to the meeting.

        Overview of EDC Website:  

Ms. Stocker gave the commission an overview of the website contents and progress made in recent updating activities.  

Tech Park:  Commissioners Motyka and Humeston spoke with Dick Zang, Chairman of the Sewer authority asking if there was any incentivest hat could be offered to encourage new business to the Tech Park.  They talked of a “benefit assessment”, which will allow purchasers to pay over five years rather than up front.  The Commission asked for written clarification of how it would work so people can be advised accurately. Fred Hurley gave Ms. Stocker an updated map of Tech Park showing a 25ft utility easement, which the Commission did not agree with.  Commissioner Oliger made a motion that the proposed utility easement shown on the compilation map dated July 5, 2011 is not acceptable to the EDC.  Seconded by Commissioner Tarshis.  The motion carried unanimously.  Ms. Stocker will inform Mr. Hurley to file the map without the easement.

EDC Consultant – Bob Rau

        AFS Site Tour

Bob Rau thought that the website was terrific.  He complimented all who worked on it, including Ms. Stocker and Wes Thompson.

Last week AFS (Advanced Fusion Systems) invited a few people including the First Selectman to the site.  The business is making excellent progress towards being able to begin production on new products, possible in early spring 2012.  It is expected that AFS will generate near;y 200 new skilled jobs in Newtown,.  They are discussing opportunities to bring natural gas to the site with Yankee Gas.  Ms. Stocker added that the First Selectman has sent a letter to Catherine Smith, Commissioner DECD, who will invite the Governor and State/Federal officials to visit the plant in the near future.

Survey Action Subcomittee’s update

        Signage Work Group

Commissioner Murtha will set up a meeting with interested people, including Pat Llodra, Lilla Dean, Mike Burton and others.  It is considered an uphill battle to get signs changed.  Commissioner Oliger would like to attend the meeting.

        New Business and Regulation Road Map

Mr. Motyka passed around a document he created from P&Z Regulations pertaining to industrial and commrcial property only.  This lists what is permitted in each zone for quick and easy reference when anyone asks what is allowed where. The list will be simplified and linked into the process map.  More information will be available at the next meeting.

        EDC Coordinator/Consultant Projects

Ms. Stocker updated the Commission on what the intern has done to date. Including different scenarios for the Grand List, an inventory of commercial, retail and industrial properties for sale and lease as well as industrial, offices, retail and land.  Commissioner Motyka asked if the zone could be indicated by the photo of the property.  She will have his help until the end of August.  There is a possibility for the intern to extend the intership, but if not, Ms. Stocker thought be appropriate to try and find an intern with a marketing background for the next time.  Due to the nature and complexity of the work, it may be necessary to hire a professional in the future.
        Utilization of EDC Website

Commissioner Oliger reported that changes to the website will include the Process Roadmap, as well as some reviews of the layout to make the site more user friendly.  

        Public Awareness Plan

Ms. Stocker advised that the intern prepared a variety of “sell sheets” and distributed them to the Commission.  Commissioner Sharpe reviewed the content and the changes were made.  Ms. Stocker will have the intern prepare graphics for the sheets.   

        Buy Local W/Chamber

Newtown Restaurant Week - Commissioner Tarshis updated the Commission on Newtown Restaurant week that is going full force. A Frame Signs will not be permitted to be displayed outside until  a week before the commencement of Restaurant Week.  Mr. Tarshis will provide Ms. Stocker with a proof of the ad the EDC has agreed to take in the Newtown Restaurant Week booklet being distributed at the Labor Day Parade.  There are approximately 16 local restaurants participating in the event and a number of local  sponsors.  There will be a banner on Queen Street two weeks before.  
The Best of Newtown -  Approvals have been granted to utilize the Fairfield Hills property for the best of Newtown event, sponsored by the Rotory.  The event is scheduled to take place in June 2012.

        Integrate Business Interest W/Social Media

Commissioner Scarangella was not present

        Support Business Districts Plan

Commissioner Humeston said that the Fairfield Hills Master Plan Committee’s report will be available by the end of this month.  P&Z is waiting for a decision from the First Selectman before making a decision on their motion regarding this matter.

Commissioner Murtha left the meeting at 8:41 p.m.

        Measure Payback of Implemented Measures


        Compare Newtown Plan to Other Towns

Commissioner Sharpe was not present, but he is currently compiling data to compare Newtown with other Connecticut towns with regard to the tax base stratification, and other pertinent statistics.  This project will help illustrate and identify issues and opportunites facing the town.  


        Workshop/Discussion of EDC Strategic Plan

Commissioner Sharpe sent out a draft of the Strategic Plan and is looking for feedback.  The Commission was asked to e-mail their suggested changes to Ms. Oliger by the end of next week.  Ms. Stocker had a number of changes that she went over and will e-mail.

There is no news on the horse guard.

Walgreens is now open.  Newtown Drugs transferred their prescriptions to them and will re-open their doors as a boutique.

Lexington Gardens building is scheduled to be bulldozed.  So far several developers have show an interest.

The business cards should be available in a couple of weeks.


Commissoner. Humeston made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:05 p.m.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Oliger.  The motion was carried unanimously

Respectfully submitted by Margaret Wilkin, Clerk.